Walking Routines in The Colder or Wet Weather

Don’t let winter, cold, or wet weather stop you from getting those steps in each day.
Indoor walking is a good way to get your steps in too.
Not everyone has a treadmill, but if you do then you are already a step ahead. You don’t need to run out and buy this heavy equipment for your home. You can still get moving inside.
In Your Home
Walk and talk when you are on the phone! Use your cell or cordless and just keep moving while you talk. This will get you some steps.
Go ahead and make yourself inefficient when you do laundry. Fold a towel and then take it upstairs and then return to the dryer to fold another and take it upstairs. That is getting more steps in during the laundry phase.
Walk out to get the mail. Walk out to take the garbage. Walk to the furthest bathroom!
At The Store
You are already dressed for the weather. Take a further parting spot and hike into the store. Once you are there be sure to go up and down each isle. You don’t need to buy it all, you can just keep moving. Even better idea is those larger warehouse clubs or discount stores that are bigger!
What about the mall. Just walk it! Take the stairs or walk up the escalators there instead of the elevator. In fact, call the mall office and find out if they have late or early walking hours! Find one near you that has wide halls and bring a friend and walk and talk at a brisk pace!
At Work
Instead of emailing the people in your office take a walk and go talk to them. Walk to the mail room instead of placing your mail in the out box. Use your stairs instead of elevators there too. Also, why not grab a coworker and walk stairs during lunch? That is a great way to spend time together talking and moving.
Keep track of walking with a pedometer or a tracking device. Many watches and phones have this ability now. That way you can set goals each day and compete with friends to get steps in. As with any exercise use caution and be sure to build up to a brisk level over time.
Get those steps in and get outside for walks with family and friends when the weather allows.

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