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Towel Workout Time

What equipment do you need to do a good workout? Weights, resistance bands, or weight machines all come to mind, but what if you don’t have them? You may have an excellent piece of equipment sitting in the folded laundry. No expensive equipment is needed for a tone up session with a towel.

Here are 5 exercises you can do at home with a towel!

1. Stand holding a rolled towel

Stand holding a rolled towel in front of you. Bend at the waist and tilt yourself forward while lifting your left leg behind you. Become almost parallel to the floor and row the towel toward your chest. If this is hard to balance you can tap your foot down. Do 10 reps on each leg.

2. Lie on your belly

Lie on your belly with your arms stretched out in front of you holding a towel. Lift your legs and chest and pull the towel toward you. Do repeated reps holding the towel taut. Do 10 reps.

3. Sit-ups

Sit-ups can be enhanced with the towel. Hold the towel in front of you on your chest with both hands in the sit-up position. Sit up and then raise it stretched between your hands over your knees and repeated in reps of 10.

4. Lunges can be done with the towel

Lunges can be done with the towel.Stand with your feet together and the towel in both hands with arms straight in front of you. Curl the towel as you step back with your left leg into a back lunge and repeat on your right side. Curling adds arm movement and engages more muscles. Do reps of 10 on this also.

5. Pushups and Planking

Pushups and planking.Fold the towel into a small square and use the towel as a slider. That way you can slide it on the floor and move the concentration from one side to the other. You can shift it from left to right during pushups and planking. When you get time, you can try the towel under your foot during lunges.

Try them and get creative at home with some new towel exercises.

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I am a health, fitness and wellness coach, college professor, and mother of older kids who wants to help other older women and moms meet their goals. I offer free coaching - Click here to contact me! Or, get more information about my VIP Program!!

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