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Supermarket Secrets

Supermarket shoppers need to be able to get in and out of the store and know what they are doing. You may be like most people who are juggling life and need to stop at the store. Why not learn some secrets? This is a beneficial way to navigate your way faster and cheaper when you do that stop for groceries.

Tip #1

Super-stores (like Sam’s Club or Costco) have good bargains on oils and nuts. Look for gallons of olive oil that will run near $20 and compare that to much smaller bottles for just under $10 in the grocery store. Often nuts like almonds come in 3-pound bags at the super-store, and for the same price, you will get a 1-pound at the regular grocery store.

Tip #2

A money saving thing to know is that foods that need to be peeled before they are consumed do not need to be organic. No need to buy organic onions, citrus foods, bananas, or avocados. The truth is that pesticides can’t get through their exterior. Do go organic with apples, berries, and your greens.

Tip #3

See if your store has free online ordering and drop off to help you save money. This helps to eliminate any impulse shopping that you might do in the store.

Tip #4

Steer clear of the samples in the store. Why? Samples are a marketing ploy to temp you to buy those products. That is why you are surrounded with the smells of these foods and tastes waiting for you.

Tip #5

Bonus bell pepper talk here!

When you have a choice between green or red bell papers, always choose red. The fact is that red has 6 times as many vitamins and minerals because they are left to ripen on the vines longer. This fills them with more healthy goodness.

Tip #6

Buy in-season fruits and vegetables. Trying to find out of season foods will be hard to do, and that will cost so much more than the in-season kinds that might be on sale and should be plentiful.

Six tips to help your shopping that saves time and money.

Share this with others so they can take advantage of some tips too!

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I am a health, fitness and wellness coach, college professor, and mother of older kids who wants to help other older women and moms meet their goals. I offer free coaching - Click here to contact me! Or, get more information about my VIP Program!!

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