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Resolution Time

The new year is upon us now. That means it is resolution time again. Are you ready this year? Is this the year that you are going to make those... Continue Reading

HIIT Leg Strength

Do you have goals that include leg strength? The secret weapon could be the use of two 30-minute HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training) workouts in place of one 60-minute cardio exercise... Continue Reading

Bloat Happens

Bloat does happen, and we dislike it. Sometimes we overeat, or that particular female time of the month, and other times, stress throws a wrench in the digestion process. These... Continue Reading

Workout: Towel Time

What equipment comes to mind for a good workout? Weights, resistance bands, or weight machines all work, but what if you don’t have them? You may have an incredible piece... Continue Reading