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Mirror, Mirror on the Wall: Self Reflection

,What do you see when you look at yourself and your life? Are you living up to your full potential? Hal Elrod author of The Miracle Morning proclaimed “approximately 95% of our society settles for far less than they want in life, wishing they had more, living with regret and never understanding that they could be, do, and have all that they want (2016, p. 19).

What can we do to change this and end the struggle?

1st Acknowledge the Need for Change

You need to commit to changing how you think and feel and start living to your full potential. Don’t settle for struggling physically, emotionally, mentally, relationally, or financially. Don’t live below your potential.

2nd Figure out Why

Why do you allow yourself to struggle? This is a hard look into you.  The mind is equipped with limitations that are repeated so often that they become what you finally believe. It is imperative that you talk to yourself and build your self-confidence.

Develop your life purpose by figuring out your Why! You create your why and commit your life to living for this higher purpose. Take the right path which is not always the easy path. I often explain this to my students by telling them they have a choice to make. The right thing might be harder and a longer process, although these actions ultimately translate into who you are becoming now.  Everything you do affects you and the big picture. Take sight of the big picture.

Hold yourself accountable by becoming responsible to someone else for what you do. Accountability brings structure and support into what you are doing. This allows you to have checks and balances which leads to improvement.  Find an accountability partner. Use me or someone close to you, but find someone that will be there and hold you to the commitment. Attract your tribe. In my case I have a wolf pack. Research has found that we become like the average of the 5 people we spend most of the time with. Choose wisely and eliminate the negatives.

Invest in Personal Development

Personal development is a path away from the struggle. Hal Elrod wrote “your level of success – in every area of your life- will rarely exceed, and usually parallel your level of personal development” (p. 32).

Here is a peek into some personal development.

My Top Picks Today:  You can access the book information on Amazon by clicking the word title.

You Are a Badass

Abundance Now

Daring Greatly

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People   (This is a newer edition than I have!)

Super Life  (Now available in paperback!)

Pretty Happy   You can look for the paperback too. This book is just full of great positive messages that we need to hear again and again.


Live with urgency today to change the direction of your life. Don’t push off to tomorrow what you can do today, because if you can push it off again you will do that.

3rd Enough is Enough!

I want more for my life and I think you do too.

Follow with me as we continue on the Miracle Morning path and journey to your greatness.


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I am a health, fitness and wellness coach, college professor, and mother of older kids who wants to help other older women and moms meet their goals. I offer free coaching - Click here to contact me! Or, get more information about my VIP Program!!

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